I never know how to describe myself appropriately, but I like to think I'm a welcoming, encouraging, cheerful, and reasonable intelligent soul. I read everything I can get my hands on, create things using many tools of mind and hand, teach where I can, laugh as mush as possible, and always makes time for friends and nature.

If you're looking for a my professional history, I encourage you to peruse my LinkedIn profile. If you'd like to get a hold of me to ask about a project, myself, or just want a friend you can reach me by:

I'd kindly like recruiters, and those looking to sell me goods or services to refrain from reaching out. I exclusively use personal referrals or my own research for products and services and do not appreciate the spam.

Like my Work?

All of the open source stuff I work on is usually licensed MIT or APLv2 and I almost always include license information in the root of my repository. Detailed license information for this site is also available.

I currently don't accept donations for any of my work as I see it as my contribution to the betterment of the internet but reach out if you'd like to sponsor a project or work together on something.