I've been using the PostgreSQL's hstore extension in a Rails application lately and kept encountering the error that is this post's namesake. It would specifically happen when a database had been dropped, recreated and I freshly ran the migrations.

It seems that while Rails 4 supports the HStore datatype, it doesn't enable the extension itself. I've found two ways too solve this issue in wildly different ways.

First Solution: Enable HStore by Default

This is the common solution that is recommended too solve this issue. It enables the HStore extension by default on all newly created databases. Too understand this you need to know a bit about PostgreSQL's behavior.

When a new database is created, PostgreSQL creates a copy of a special pre-existing database named template1 by default. Anything done too this database will be reflected in all new databases, including enabling extensions.

Too enable the HStore extension on the template1 database you can execute the following command (generally as the postgres user or with your authentication of choice).

psql -d template1 -c 'CREATE EXTENSION hstore;'

Second Solution: Rails Migration

The above solution doesn't sit well with me. While it's uncommon for any individual PostgreSQL server to be shared among different applications with different databases, the possibility is there. Perhaps the application will get decommissioned and the DBA will simply drop the associated database and roles instead of setting up a new one.

Disconnecting the requirements of the application from the application itself always seems to lead too trouble.

Rails already has a mechanism too handle modifications too the database overtime, migrations. They're solid, well tested, and encapsulate not only how to get the database to a particular state but also how to return it back to it's prior state (generally).

We can also do this without using raw SQL which now also seems a bit... Off to me. The following is a sample Rails migration that will both enable and disable the extension:

class ManageHstore < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    reversible do |op|
      op.up { enable_extension 'hstore' }
      op.down { disable_extension 'hstore' }

Now the biggest problem with this migration is that too use it, you need too plan ahead of time too use the extension or not worry about freshly running all the migrations (generally because you dropped and created the database). This migration needs to be named so it alphabetically comes before any migration in your application that makes use of the HStore datatype.

ActiveRecord uses timestamps at the beginning of the migration names to handle this alphabetic sorting, and such you'll want to fake this in before you used the HStore datatype.