/* Everything in this section with the one exception are defaults */ firewall { all-ping enable broadcast-ping disable ipv6-name WANv6_IN { default-action drop description "WAN inbound traffic forwarded to LAN" enable-default-log rule 10 { action accept description "Allow established/related sessions" state { established enable related enable } } rule 20 { action drop description "Drop invalid state" state { invalid enable } } /* This is the one thing that was added, but I'm not sure it's necessary... */ rule 30 { action accept description "Allow ICMPv6" log disable protocol icmpv6 } } ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL { default-action drop description "WAN inbound traffic to the router" enable-default-log rule 10 { action accept description "Allow established/related sessions" state { established enable related enable } } rule 20 { action drop description "Drop invalid state" state { invalid enable } } rule 30 { action accept description "Allow IPv6 icmp" protocol ipv6-icmp } rule 40 { action accept description "allow dhcpv6" destination { port 546 } protocol udp source { port 547 } } } ipv6-receive-redirects disable ipv6-src-route disable ip-src-route disable log-martians enable name WAN_IN { default-action drop description "WAN to internal" rule 10 { action accept description "Allow established/related" state { established enable related enable } } rule 20 { action drop description "Drop invalid state" state { invalid enable } } } name WAN_LOCAL { default-action drop description "WAN to router" rule 10 { action accept description "Allow established/related" state { established enable related enable } } rule 20 { action drop description "Drop invalid state" state { invalid enable } } } receive-redirects disable send-redirects enable source-validation disable syn-cookies enable } interfaces { ethernet eth0 { description "Google Fiber Jack" duplex auto poe { /* Power the Fiber jack */ output 48v } speed auto /* Most of this section is relevant */ vif 2 { address dhcp description Internet dhcpv6-pd { /* Go over the DNS options even though they're not required... */ no-dns pd 0 { interface eth1 { /* Relevant option */ host-address ::1 /* Go over the DNS options even though they're not required... */ no-dns /* Relevant options */ prefix-id :0 service slaac } interface switch0 { /* Relevant option */ host-address ::1 /* Go over the DNS options even though they're not required... */ no-dns /* Relevant options */ prefix-id :1 service slaac } /* Google Fiber specific */ prefix-length /56 } /* This is debateable and seems to work either way, cover the discussion */ rapid-commit enable } /* This is worth going over */ egress-qos 0:3 firewall { in { ipv6-name WANv6_IN name WAN_IN } local { ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL name WAN_LOCAL } } } } ethernet eth1 { /* Person specific */ address description DMZ duplex auto ipv6 { /* Set automatically */ dup-addr-detect-transmits 1 router-advert { /* Set automatically */ cur-hop-limit 64 link-mtu 0 managed-flag false max-interval 600 /* Good to go over but not relevant */ name-server 2606:4700:4700::1111 name-server 2606:4700:4700::1001 other-config-flag false /* Needs to be set, without it it will be missing from the dhcpv6-pd config, but only if name servers are set */ prefix ::/64 { autonomous-flag true on-link-flag true /* Will get set automatically */ valid-lifetime 2592000 } /* Will get set automatically */ reachable-time 0 retrans-timer 0 send-advert true } } poe { output off } speed auto } ethernet eth2 { description "LAN" duplex auto poe { output off } speed auto } ethernet eth3 { description "LAN" duplex auto poe { output off } speed auto } ethernet eth4 { description "LAN" duplex auto poe { output off } speed auto } loopback lo { } switch switch0 { /* Person specific */ address description "LAN" ipv6 { /* Set automatically */ dup-addr-detect-transmits 1 router-advert { /* Set automatically */ cur-hop-limit 64 link-mtu 0 managed-flag false max-interval 600 /* Good to go over but not relevant */ name-server 2606:4700:4700::1111 name-server 2606:4700:4700::1001 /* Will get set automatically */ other-config-flag false /* Needs to be set, without it it will be missing from the dhcpv6-pd config, but only if name servers are set */ prefix ::/64 { autonomous-flag true on-link-flag true /* Will get set automatically */ valid-lifetime 2592000 } /* Will get set automatically */ reachable-time 0 retrans-timer 0 send-advert true } } mtu 1500 switch-port { interface eth2 { } interface eth3 { } interface eth4 { } vlan-aware disable } } } service { dhcp-server { disabled false hostfile-update disable shared-network-name LAN { authoritative enable /* Person specific */ subnet { /* Person specific */ default-router /* Good to go over but not relevant */ dns-server dns-server /* Irrelevant */ domain-name example.tld lease 86400 /* Person specific */ start { stop } } } shared-network-name DMZ { authoritative enable /* Person specific */ subnet { /* Person specific */ default-router /* Good to go over but not relevant */ dns-server dns-server /* Irrelevant */ domain-name example.tld lease 86400 /* Person specific */ start { stop } } } use-dnsmasq disable } gui { http-port 80 https-port 443 /* Good practice, but not relevant to Fiber */ older-ciphers disable } nat { rule 5010 { description "masquerade for WAN" /* Relevant to Fiber config (vif 2) */ outbound-interface eth0.2 type masquerade } } /* Defaults */ ssh { port 22 protocol-version v2 } /* Next two services are unrelated to Fiber config */ ubnt-discover { disable } /* Need to go over the security trade offs here... */ upnp2 { acl { rule 10 { action deny local-port 0-1024 subnet } rule 20 { action deny external-port 0-1024,1080,5432,8000,8080,8081,8088,8443,8888,9100,9200 subnet } rule 30 { action deny local-port 0-1024,1080,5432,8000,8080,8081,8088,8443,8888,9100,9200 subnet } rule 40 { action allow subnet } rule 100 { action deny subnet } } listen-on switch0 nat-pmp disable secure-mode enable wan eth0.2 } } system { /* These next two lines are not relevant to the Fiber config */ domain-name example.tld host-name ubnt-router.example.tld /* These will always be user specific */ login { user admin { authentication { encrypted-password **************** plaintext-password **************** } full-name "Admin User" level admin } } /* While these are not relevant to Google Fiber config it is good to go over */ name-server name-server name-server 2606:4700:4700::1111 name-server 2606:4700:4700::1001 /* Defaults */ ntp { server 0.ubnt.pool.ntp.org { } server 1.ubnt.pool.ntp.org { } server 2.ubnt.pool.ntp.org { } server 3.ubnt.pool.ntp.org { } } offload { /* This is not available on the EdgeRouter PoE */ hwnat disable /* These are all worth discussing */ ipsec enable ipv4 { forwarding enable vlan enable } ipv6 { forwarding enable vlan enable } } syslog { global { facility all { level notice } } /* Irrelevant to Fiber config */ host 2605:a601:4049:c100:afdb:e15f:c174:5f71 { facility all { level info } } } /* Irrelevant to Fiber config */ time-zone UTC /* Irrelevant to Fiber config */ traffic-analysis { dpi disable export enable } }