Thoughts on IPv6 Security and Mitigation

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I setup IPv6 on my home network with an OpenWRT router and Hurricane Electric and now I suddenly have an opinion on the state of IPv6 security. This is something that I've been meaning to do for some time and have been mulling over in the back of my mind. I'll go over the details from start to finish of setting up hurricane electric on the router in another post as the information to do so is very scattered and disjointed. It does appear to be very well documented on the OpenWRT wiki but I found that they leave out some very important steps, so stay tuned for that.

Ruby's XMLRPC::Client and SSL

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For the past few days I've been working on a Ruby project that needed to interact with a remote XMLRPC API. This isn't particularly unusual but it was the first time from within a Ruby application. Luckily enough Ruby has a built in XMLRPC client that handles a lot of the messy bits.

Exploration of an ACN Iris 3000

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So I found a dirt cheap video SIP phone (ACN Iris 3000) at a local HAM fest. After looking around I found the vendor has locked in the phone with their specific service with an iron grip and had gone out of business. I guess I should expect that kind of anti-competitive behavior from a business that Donald Trump has a vested interest in.

Linux N Issues & KDE Multi-Monitor Woes

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So I recently did a fresh install of Fedora 14 with KDE installed (not the KDE spin mind you) on my ThinkPad. I'm pleasantly surprised with hows it's working everything seems to be working out the box very stably. I used it without issue for a solid month and a half without a single issue.

The Home Network and NAT as a Security Layer

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One of the hot-topics for IPv6 (which I have been thinking about a lot lately) is NAT. I normally wouldn't go into detail about specifics that are obvious to people in my field but for the sake of this post I will. NAT or Network Address Translation, is a way for a large number of computers to share a single public IP address.

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