Openstack Keystone
Install the required packages with the following command:
yum install openstack-utils openstack-keystone python-keystoneclient -y
Generate a long, strong unique password for keystone's MySQL user (MySQL
should already be setup at this point and bound to
if you're
following along from the Openstack page. Open up a MySQL console as the
root user and run the following commands:
Important Note: Openstack has a convenient command openstack-db
that does the
following for you, however, when it creates the user it uses keystone
for a
password and doesn't restrict the hosts that can use that account (globally
available). It seems a bit excessive to me to have a script for those three
MySQL commands:
GRANT ALL ON keystone.* TO 'keystone'@'10.100.0.%' IDENTIFIED BY
Generate a token to be used as the 'admin' global token. When used this will give you full admin credentials on the keystone service regardless of whether or not an admin exists.
This is needed for the initial administration of the keystone service once we get it up and running. I save it directly to the root user's bashrc file as it it'll be useful to have later on:
echo export ADMIN_TOKEN=$(openssl rand -hex 32) > /root/.bashrc
After logging off and back on make sure you have the token and copy this for use in the configuration file later on:
Open up the keystone configuration file at: /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
replace it with the following (changing appropriate variables for your
installation such as admin_token
and the MySQL password:
Please note that I haven't yet delved into the Compositions, Filters, Apps or Pipelines and don't have a handle on what exactly they're doing. As far as configuration documentation goes there is much to be desired in Keystone...
We need to create a full certificate authority in
. Ideally the CA itself would be signed by a higher CA
of our control. A keystone SSL cert and key will also need to be created (and
signed by the CA).
The cert and key file should be placed at
respectively. You'll also want to
ensure the [signing]
portion of the keystone.conf
file reflects the actual
size of the key.
keystone-manage db_sync
Now that we're configured let's get the service going...
systemctl enable openstack-keystone.service
systemctl start openstack-keystone.service
You should now have a running (though empty) keystone service. Let's test and make sure it's responding nicely:
keystone --token $ADMIN_TOKEN --endpoint tenant-list
Initial Setup
Now that we have the service up and running we need to add users, roles, tenants, services and endpoints. A quick note on a couple of things here. 'Tenant' is used as a means of logically grouping a bunch of users. A user can exist in multiple tenants and will only be aware of the resources within tenants that it has been granted access too unless that user is an admin of the special admin tenant which will automatically grant them full access to all tenants and their contents regardless of whether that user is in that tenant and as such care should be taken when granting that level of permissions.
First since we'll be running a lot of commands and it can quickly become burdensome to repeatedly provide the endpoint and the token we're going to set two environment variables to make the access easier, then test to make sure we can still access the service:
keystone tenant-list
There is another slightly annoying thing that can be easily worked around in Openstack; Whenever you refer to a user, role, tenant, service, endpoint or other object you need to do so by it's ID and not it's friendly name. As such I've adapted a few helper methods to easily grab an object ID based on it's friendly name. Add these too root's bash file and re-source it by either logging out and back in or by running ". ~/.bashrc".
We now need to create an admin user, role, tenant, and combine them all:
keystone user-create --name admin --pass secret --email [email protected]
| Property | Value |
| email | [email protected] |
| enabled | True |
| id | 2e981959c1d54789a3ae6a88611cc0db |
| name | admin |
| password | $6$rounds=40000$ZXGfdZeIcwVWGWvA$VLgWIRk7tM5OdEjeYZEnpANbjVO0SydvXZgK7UAlh0VED4S1dbCMWYxFNWgz4p.7Ni6Nmzw3FUtLx6MLYVEm21 |
| tenantId | |
keystone role-create --name admin
| Property | Value |
| id | df6b8c5b5a0847259e1c78a34aae09d1 |
| name | admin |
keystone tenant-create --name admin
| Property | Value |
| description | |
| enabled | True |
| id | adb579d87cc7438da8ddb6147ca69717 |
| name | admin |
keystone user-role-add --user-id 2e981959c1d54789a3ae6a88611cc0db --role-id df6b8c5b5a0847259e1c78a34aae09d1 --tenant-id adb579d87cc7438da8ddb6147ca69717
Potentially Old Information
get_tenant_id() {
echo `keystone tenant-list | grep $@ | awk '{ print $2 }'`
get_user_id() {
echo `keystone user-list | grep $@ | awk '{ print $2 }'`
get_role_id() {
echo `keystone role-list | grep $@ | awk '{ print $2 }'`
get_service_id() {
echo `keystone service-list | grep $@ | awk '{ print $2 }'`
Tenant Creation
keystone tenant-create --name=admin
keystone tenant-create --name=service
Role Creation
keystone role-create --name admin
keystone role-create --name KeystoneAdmin
keystone role-create --name KeystoneServiceAdmin
keystone role-create --name Member
User Creation
Generate a five long strong unique passwords for the admin user and each of the four service accounts here. For this example I'm going to use password{1-5}. If you use the same ones... you probably shouldn't be playing at this level... You will need these later when setting up each of the services so note them down somewhere secure.
keystone user-create --name=admin --pass=password1 [email protected]
keystone user-create --name=nova --pass=password2 --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id service)
keystone user-create --name=glance --pass=password3 --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id service)
keystone user-create --name=quantum --pass=password4 --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id service)
keystone user-create --name=cinder --pass=password5 --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id service)
Granting Roles
Grant the admin user the admin
, KeystoneAdmin
, and KeystoneServiceAdmin
roles within the admin tenant and the service accounts the admin role within
the service tenant.
keystone user-role-add --user $(get_user_id admin) --role $(get_role_id admin) --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id admin)
keystone user-role-add --user $(get_user_id admin) --role $(get_role_id KeystoneAdmin) --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id admin)
keystone user-role-add --user $(get_user_id admin) --role $(get_role_id KeystoneServiceAdmin) --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id admin)
keystone user-role-add --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id service) --user $(get_user_id nova) --role $(get_role_id admin)
keystone user-role-add --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id service) --user $(get_user_id glance) --role $(get_role_id admin)
keystone user-role-add --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id service) --user $(get_user_id quantum) --role $(get_role_id admin)
keystone user-role-add --tenant_id $(get_tenant_id service) --user $(get_user_id cinder) --role $(get_role_id admin)
Service Creation
keystone service-create --name nova --type compute --description 'OpenStack Compute Service'
keystone service-create --name cinder --type volume --description 'OpenStack Volume Service'
keystone service-create --name glance --type image --description 'OpenStack Image Service'
keystone service-create --name keystone --type identity --description 'OpenStack Identity'
keystone service-create --name ec2 --type ec2 --description 'OpenStack EC2 service'
keystone service-create --name quantum --type network --description 'OpenStack Networking service'
Endpoint Creation
End points are the next thing to be defined, they require that a region be specified. This is an arbitrary string that can be used to delinieate between service regions that could be data centers, portions of a data-center or what have you.
Since I'm not working on an installation large enough to really need multiple regions this name is more or less useless for me so I chose to just use Primary as the region name.
keystone endpoint-create --region Primary --service_id $(get_service_id compute) \
--publicurl '$(tenant_id)s' \
--adminurl '$(tenant_id)s' \
--internalurl '$(tenant_id)s'
keystone endpoint-create --region Primary --service_id $(get_service_id volume) \
--publicurl '$(tenant_id)s' \
--adminurl '$(tenant_id)s' \
--internalurl '$(tenant_id)s'
keystone endpoint-create --region Primary --service_id $(get_service_id image) \
--publicurl '' \
--adminurl '' \
--internalurl ''
keystone endpoint-create --region Primary --service_id $(get_service_id identity) \
--publicurl '' \
--adminurl '' \
--internalurl ''
keystone endpoint-create --region Primary --service_id $(get_service_id ec2) \
--publicurl '' \
--adminurl '' \
--internalurl ''
keystone endpoint-create --region Primary --service_id $(get_service_id network) \
--publicurl '' \
--adminurl '' \
--internalurl ''
Keystone Management
With keystone setup, the admin user in place, and endpoints defined you no longer need to use the admin token to authenticate and manage the service. As a regular user export the following information into your bash shell, unset the admin token and try to access the keystone user-list again:
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=password1
export OS_AUTH_URL=
keystone tenant-list
| id | name | enabled |
| bb9509fd9dea40f5b58d720aaaa15044 | service | True |
| cbabea52a4be417998b266e43280ef35 | admin | True |
You can also specify those options via the command line if you don't want to set the environment variables like so:
keystone --os_username admin --os_password password1 --os_tenant_name admin \
--os_auth_url tenant-list
| id | name | enabled |
| bb9509fd9dea40f5b58d720aaaa15044 | service | True |
| cbabea52a4be417998b266e43280ef35 | admin | True |
Future Steps
There are some features that I'd really like to take a look at getting as I feel they will improve the quality, security or reliability of the service in general. These features that I haven't documented here yet are as follows:
- LDAP Authentication Backend
- With Memcached queries
- Detailed policy.json evaluation
- Breaking out permissions into more explicit roles
- What can I actually accomplish with this file?
e0ae306a @ 2024-07-15