SPF & DKIM Records in Route 53
I'm going to do a more detailed post on emailing from Amazon's infrastructure soon, but in the meantime I wanted to quickly throw out solutions too a couple of problems I encountered. These are all specific too Amazon's Route 53, and most are user error (myself).
SPF Invalid Characters or Format
After generating my SPF record, I jumped into Route 53, created a new record pasted in my record, attempted to save and received the following message:
The record set could not be saved because:
- The Value field contains invalid characters or is in an invalid format.
I was using the SPF record type at a time (see the next section) and assumed that I had messed up the format of my record in some way. I banged my head against the wall and through RFCs thoroughly before I found the solution...
Solution: Wrap your SPF records in quotation characters.
No SPF Record Found / Validation Failure
Since I have my DMARC policy in place (I'll cover this in my email follow up),
I receive daily domain reports from Google whenever something fails validation
about my domain. After switching to Route 53 for DNS the authresult
started showing up as fail for SPF.
Testing around a few online SPF validators indicated that none of them were able to see my new SPF record, and there had been plenty of time for it too propagate.
The SPF resource record type (RRTYPE 99) is available in Route 53 even though the record type has been deprecated. Not being familiar with this particular decision, I assumed I should be using it instead of the TXT record I've used for every other domain, and it would be handled correctly or more intelligently.
Solution: Either switch the SPF record too a TXT record or, my preference, duplicate it into a TXT record so you have both.
Invalid DKIM record
This one had me scratching my head for a while. This was my first time deploying DKIM on a domain that I was not running a Bind name server for. OpenDKIM is nice enough too generate a Bind record for you which works perfectly. It's output looks like the following:
default._domainkey.example.tld. IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=y; s=email; "
"nJQ4+lXWqzYtuX9xdNH46ck2HUl56Ob4cy3/gYCJBWrAsCAwEAAQ==" ) ; ----- DKIM key default for example.tld
Copying and pasting everything between the parentheses in the value field and pasting them into Route 53 works flawlessly. The catch? This won't be treated as a single record, but three individual responses. None of which are complete and valid DKIM records.
This happens because Route 53's value field treats newlines as separate records.
Solution: Turn it into one long string so it isn't covering multiple lines right? Not quite...
Combining the DKIM key into one string like so:
"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=y; s=email; p=MIHfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4HNADCByQKBwQC2Cwpa/+Xhfkzn0QnyQoxRwoJPb+s51dIt9UtFLMlMFuYa/k3GBwZ7UWeyAaQJ3RibSzKV/YwgFuMrzyISrLNSuL2k1bQlQQG8nl23Mu9Mowcb+mV2/3G7roshK6kOLNA0IV2SBl8/0UoNZR/x7c1lzVtVqdj0vW1SsJzgGfbt4LGRvCPyjdg+SLpYtOd/Li4Y1pvHgSRKQRrklpKeJonJQ4+lXWqzYtuX9xdNH46ck2HUl56Ob4cy3/gYCJBWrAsCAwEAAQ=="
And attempting to save results in the following error message:
Invalid Resource Record: FATAL problem: TXTRDATATooLong encountered at ...
Now we're left in a tricky spot. After some research the reason behind this is clear, and makes sense. Though it is another poor usability bug in the way Amazon's Route 53 behaves. Individual DNS UDP packets are limited too 255 characters for their response.
Too properly deliver records longer than that DNS servers are supposed to break up the response into chunks. Properly implemented clients combine these chunks together (with no spaces, newlines or other characters added). What this means is that the record can be broken up transparently behind the scenes anywhere in the message and the client will put it back together correctly.
The Route 53 entry form won't handle this for you though, and in hindsight it looks like Bind might not do it for you though I suspected that was more for readability of zone files rather than a technical limitation (and I haven't tested whether Bind is intelligent enough too handle just a long string).
Solution: Take the original output of Bind between the parentheses and just remove the newline characters, leave the quotation marks and spaces between the sections like the following sample and you'll be golden:
"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=y; s=email; " "p=MIHfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4HNADCByQKBwQC2Cwpa/+Xhfkzn0QnyQoxRwoJPb+s51dIt9UtFLMlMFuYa/k3GBwZ7UWeyAaQJ3RibSzKV/YwgFuMrzyISrLNSuL2k1bQlQQG8nl23Mu9Mowcb+mV2/3G7roshK6kOLNA0IV2SBl8/0UoNZR/x7c1lzVtVqdj0vW1SsJzgGfbt4LGRvCPyjdg+SLpYtOd/Li4Y1pvHgSRKQRrklpKeJo" "nJQ4+lXWqzYtuX9xdNH46ck2HUl56Ob4cy3/gYCJBWrAsCAwEAAQ=="
Hope this helps someone else!